NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. - Iosegun Sales Meter Station

Project Background
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) has filed an application for the Iosegun Sales Meter Station Project. The project involves installation of a new T-27 Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 4 low volume sales meter, including: a 15.53 m x 3.20 m skid containing a meter run building, instrument building, and Separator; 1.4 m of NPS 6 yard piping from the customer tie-in to NPS 4 yard piping; 24.2 m of NPS 4 yard piping from the customer tie-in to the meter building; and 34.5 m of NPS 4 yard piping from the meter building to the NGTL System mainline. The project also involves associated facility piping, valves, instrumentation, controls, communications devices and pipeline appurtenances. The project will be located entirely on Crown land and lands subject to an existing disposition, in NE 21-062-19 W5M approximately 2.5 km southeast of Fox Creek, Alberta. Approximately 0.07 ha of new land and 0.16 ha of temporary workspace is anticipated to be required for the construction of the project.
The metering facility will establish a connection between the customer’s gas plant to the NGTL System and tie-in on the NPS 20 Kaybob Lateral. The project will have a maximum operating pressure of 8450 kPa. Project construction is planned to commence on 12 July 2024, with an expected in-service date in September 2024.
Timeline and Documents
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