NGTL GP LTD. (NGTL GP), as general partner on behalf of NGTL Limited Partnership – Leming Lake Sales Lateral Loop (Sand Section)

Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Project Background

NGTL GP LTD. (NGTL GP), as general partner on behalf of NGTL Limited Partnership has filed a Project Notification for the Leming Lake Sales Lateral Loop (Sand Section) (Project). The proposed Project will be located entirely on Crown land within the Municipal District of Bonnyville, Alberta. The Project will include the installation approximately 18 km of NPS 20 pipeline to loop the existing Leming Lake Sales Lateral. The proposed pipeline loop will start at an existing valve site located at SW 21–065–07 W4M and will parallel the existing pipeline where practical until its end point valve site located at NW 11–065–09 W4M. The Project will require the acquisition of approximately 38.86 hectares (ha) of new land. Approximately 43.21 ha of temporary workspace is anticipated to be required. The Project will also include the installation of new above ground valve sites and an inline inspection launcher. The Project is planned to commence in November 2025 with an expected in-service date in April 2027.

Timeline and Documents


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Land Matters Advisory Service
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803

Media Inquiries

Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265

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