TransCanada PipeLines Limited – Regina South Sales Meter Station Project

Project Background
TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL) has filed an application for Regina South Meter Station Project. The project involves installation of a new ultrasonic meter station, an NPS 12 meter run with no return run, including: a 3.2 m x 15 m skid containing a meter run building and separator; a 6.5 m x 2.9 m instrumentation building skid; 1 m of NPS 16 yard piping from the customer tie-in to NPS 12 yard piping; 20 m of NPS 12 yard piping from the customer tie-in to the meter building; 100 m of NPS 12 yard piping from the meter building to the Canadian Mainline System; 20 m of NPS 12 bypass piping; and approximately 35 m of meter skid piping. The project will be located entirely on both TCPL owned and freehold land located within NW 35-016-19 W2M, approximately 15 km south of Regina, Saskatchewan. The project will be located on freehold land owned by TCPL (meter station) and within the existing Canadian Mainline System right-of-way (ROW) upon the acquisition of freehold land rights (valve sites). The project will require approximately 0.57 hectares (ha) of temporary workspace (0.22 ha on existing ROW and 0.35 ha off of ROW).
The metering facility will establish a connection between the Customer to the Canadian Mainline System with dual tie-ins on the NPS 48 Line 100-5 and the NPS 48 Line 100-6 to accommodate forecasted delivery requirements. The project will have a maximum operating pressure of 6065 kPa. Project construction is planned to commence on 30 August 2024, with an expected in-service date of 1 November 2024.
Timeline and Documents
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