Joint statement from CER and the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project on joint inspection of Sumas Pump Station

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) and Indigenous Monitors from the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (IAMC-TMX) have completed a joint inspection of the site of the crude oil release that occurred on June 13, 2020, at Trans Mountain’s Sumas Pump Station, in Abbotsford, BC.
The inspection of the Sumas Pump Station took place on June 15-16, 2020. Once complete, the joint inspection report will be publicly available on the CER’s website. Since 2018, Indigenous Monitors from the IAMC-TMX have participated in 22 joint inspections, including two inspections that occurred following incidents, and several emergency management exercises.
These collaborative inspections improve transparency and understanding of regulatory activities with the goal of building confidence and trust between the CER and Indigenous communities. They also improve how Indigenous values, knowledge, and perspectives are integrated into all aspects of the CER’s regulatory oversight. In their respective roles and work, the IAMC-TMX and CER share the goal of continual improvement as to how people and the environment are protected.
“The value of having an Indigenous Monitor alongside a CER Inspection Officer cannot be overstated. The unique perspective of Indigenous Monitors helps ensure our inspections reflect a holistic view on the impact of an incident. It provides us with valuable understanding of the connection Indigenous peoples have with the land, water and places of cultural significance.”
- Marc Pauze, CER Inspection Officer and acting Vice-President, Field Operations
“It was important to be alongside the CER at the Sumas Incident and have our boots on the ground and our eyes there looking after the interests of the Indigenous communities along the pipeline corridor. As an IAMC Indigenous Monitor I was able to assess the environmental impacts in a timely manner by being on-site shortly after the incident with the CER.”
- Ryan Arcand, Indigenous Monitor, Alexander First Nation (Alberta)
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