Appendix 2: Technology Assumptions
This appendix outlines key technology assumptions included in the Current Measures, Global Net-zero, and Canada Net-zero Scenarios. The percent changes in the assumptions are relative to 2021 unless otherwise noted. All costs are in $2022 CAD unless otherwise noted.
Table A2.1: Key Technology Assumptions
Global Net-zero | Canada Net-zero | Current Measures | |
Buildings | |||
Heat pumpsTable Note a | Cost declines 15% by 2030 and 40% by 2050. | Cost declines 13% by 2030 and 34% by 2050. | Cost declines 7% by 2030 and 20% by 2050. |
Building shellDefinition* | Efficiency of new buildings improves 80% by 2050. | Efficiency of new buildings improves 80% by 2050. | Efficiency of new buildings varies regionally from 20-50% by 2050. |
Hydrogen and renewable natural gas (RNG) blending | Hydrogen: Maximum blending of 20% by volume, which occurs where economics are favourable. RNG: feedstock supply constraints limit blending up to 10-15% of natural gas content by 2050. |
Hydrogen price remains high and thus no blending occurs. RNG: only provinces with RNG mandates. |
Heavy industry | |||
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)Table Note b | Capture costs are different by industry and range from $45-200/tCO2 by 2030 and $30-160/tCO2 from 2030-2050. | Capture costs are different by industry and range from $45-200/tCO2 through the projection period. | |
Iron and steel: electric arc furnaces (EAF) | Some facilities transition from coal to EAFTable Note c and from coal to direct reduced iron EAF.Table Note d | ||
Hydrogen in steel production: Hydrogen direct reduced Iron (H2-Dri)Table Note e | Assume availability of technology at scale and adoption of economic conditions allow. | Assume technology is not available at scale. | |
Aluminum production: Inert anodesTable Note f | 20% adoption by 2030 and a linear incline to 100% by 2050. | 20% adoption of inert anodes. | |
Hydrogen and renewable natural gas blending | Hydrogen: Maximum blending of 20% by volume, blending occurs where economics are favourable. RNG: supply constraints limit blending up to 10-15% of natural gas content by 2050. |
Hydrogen price remains too high for blending to occur. RNG: only provinces with RNG mandates. |
Transportation | |||
Passenger battery electric vehiclesTable Note g | Vehicle cost declines from by 30% by 2030 and 38% by 2050 (compared to $40-60,000 currently). | Vehicle cost declines 28% by 2030 and 36% by 2050. | Vehicle cost declines 26% by 2030 and 33% by 2050. |
Medium and heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell trucksTable Note h | Fuel cell truck costs fall steadily, approaching parity with diesel vehicles in the 2035-2050 period (approximately $150,000 to $200,000 for a Class 8 diesel truck). | Fuel Cell truck costs remain near current levels. | |
Medium and heavy-duty battery electric trucksTable Note i | Battery electric truck costs fall steadily, approaching parity with diesel vehicles in the 2035-2050 period (approximately $150,000 to $200,000 for a Class 8 diesel truck). | Battery electric and fuel cell truck costs remain near current levels. | |
Sustainable aviation fuelTable Note j | Following IEA WEO international context, 40% of jet fuel needs met with bioenergy, 30% with hydrogen-based aviation fuel by 2050. | Not included. | |
Electricity Generation | |||
Wind electricityTable Note k | Capital cost declines from $1,900/kW in 2020 to $1,752/kW by 2030 and $1,630/kW by 2050 (14% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $1,900/kW in 2020 to $1,763/kW by 2030 and $1,668/kW by 2050 (12% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $1,900/kW in 2020 to $1,791/kW by 2030 and $1,736/kW by 2050 (9% below 2020). |
Solar electricityTable Note l | Capital cost declines from $1,400/kW in 2020 to $790/kW by 2030 and $535/kW by 2050 (62% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $1,400/kW in 2020 to $840/kW by 2030 and $585/kW by 2050 (58% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $1,400/kW in 2020 to $905/kW by 2030 and $675/kW by 2050 (52% below 2020). |
Battery storage (4 hr)Table Note m | Capital cost declines from $2,198/kW in 2020 to $952/kW by 2030 and $549/kW by 2050 (75% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $2,198/kW in 2020 to $1,261/kW by 2030 and $925/kW by 2050 (58% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $2,198/kW in 2020 to $1,563/kW by 2030 and $1,506/kW by 2050 (32% below 2020). |
Natural gas combined cycle with CCSTable Note n | Capital cost declines from $3,705/kW in 2020 to $2,625/kW by 2030 and $2,075/kW by 2050 (44% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $3,705/kW in 2020 to $3,005/kW by 2030 and $2,530/kW by 2050 (32% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $3,705/kW in 2020 to $3,385/kW by 2030 and $2,990/kW by 2050 (19% below 2020). |
Nuclear small modular reactorsTable Note o | Capital cost declines from $9,262/kW in 2020 to $8,348/kW by 2030 and $6,519/kW by 2050 (30% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $9,262/kW in 2020 to $8,348/kW by 2030 and $6,519/kW by 2050 (30% below 2020). | Capital cost declines from $9,262/kW in 2020 to $8,595/kW by 2030 and $7,400/kW by 2050 (20% below 2020). |
Oil and Gas Production | |||
Carbon capture, utilization, and storageTable Note p | Capture costs range from $45-125/tCO2 by 2030 and $30-90/tCO2 from 2030-2050. | ||
Oil sands process efficiency | Oil sands process efficiency improves by 1% per year. | ||
Hydrogen | |||
ElectrolyzerTable Note q | Capital cost declines 80% by 2030 and 84% by 2050. | Capital cost declines 74% by 2030 and 82% by 2050. | Capital cost declines 62% by 2030 and 70% by 2050. |
Natural gas with CCUS | Capital cost declines 25% by 2030 and 40% by 2050. | Capital cost declines 20% by 2030 and 25% by 2050. | |
Biomass | Capital cost declines 18% by 2030 and 25% by 2050. | Capital cost declines 16% by 2030 and 20% by 2050. | |
Transportation and distribution of hydrogen | We assume appropriate transmission and distribution networks gets built to safely and reliably transport hydrogen from producers to consumers, to enable hydrogen adoption throughout the energy system. | ||
Carbon Management and Non-energy GHG Emissions | |||
Direct air captureTable Note r | Capture cost declines to $330/tCO2 by 2035 and $230/tCO2 by 2050. | Capture cost declines to $350/tCO2 by 2035 and $250/tCO2 by 2050. | Capture cost remains at $400 to $450/tCO2 over the projection period. |
Land-use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)Table Note s | 30 and 50 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt of CO2e) removed by 2030 and 2050, respectively. This assumption is based on a literature review of other Canadian net-zero projections and on the feasibility of nature-based climate solutions in Canada, including Nature-Based Climate Solutions from the Council of Canadian Academies. | 13 megatonnes (MT) of CO2e removed by 2030 and kept at same level to 2050. Consistent with recent projections from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). | |
WasteTable Note t | Assumes GHG emissions from solid waste disposal are reduced by 45% below 2020 levels by 2030, in line with the estimated impact of proposed landfill methane regulations. Assumes additional reductions are achieved by 2050 to a level of 57% below 2020 levels via other waste diversion and reduction measures. | Waste and GHG emissions generation intensity factors follow historical 2001 to 2021 trends for 2022 to 2050, based on the 2023 national inventory report (NIR) data. | |
Non-energy agricultureTable Note u | GHG emissions intensity of enteric fermentation,Definition* manure management, and agricultural soils activities declines as of 2023 to a conservative average of 23% below Current Measures Scenario levels in 2050, based on a review of the literature. Also assumes the Government of Canada’s fertilizer emissions reduction target of 30% below 2020 levels by 2030 is met, then increases linearly to a 40% reduction by 2040 and 50% by 2050. | Animal and crop production activities’ GHG emissions intensity factors follow historical 2001 to 2021 trends for 2022 to 2050 if negative (based on 2023 NIR 2023 data), or decline at 0.25%/yr. | |
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