ARCHIVED – National Energy Board Safety Advisory SA 2013-02 Pump or Compressor Station Emergency Shutdown Systems: Power Back-Up, Station Blocking and Emergency Shutdown Device (ESD)
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OF-Surv-Gen 1101
11 December 2013
To: All Companies under National Energy Board Jurisdiction
Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Provincial Pipeline Regulators
National Energy Board Safety Advisory SA 2013-02
Pump or Compressor Station Emergency Shutdown Systems:
Power Back-Up, Station Blocking and Emergency Shutdown Device (ESD)
Please find attached Safety Advisory SA 2013-02.
The National Energy Board (NEB or Board) expects regulated companies to demonstrate a proactive commitment to continual improvement in safety, security and environmental protection, and to promote a positive safety culture as part of their management systems.
Safety Advisories are issued periodically in order to improve the oil and gas industry’s awareness of an identified safety or environmental concern with the goal of preventing incidents from occurring in the first place. A Safety Advisory also serves to further highlight NEB requirements, and confirm that regulated companies are taking appropriate action to mitigate any potential impacts to people or the environment.
The Board expects this advisory to be widely circulated to company personnel and contractors involved in the piping design, construction, maintenance and operation of ESD, power supply and power back-up on the pipeline systems of NEB-regulated companies.
If you have any questions regarding this advisory please contact the Board at 1-800-899-1265.
Yours truly,
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
c.c. Transportation Safety Board of Canada, facsimile 819-953-7876
Safety Advisory
NEB SA 2013-02
11 December 2013
Pump or Compressor Station Emergency Shutdown Systems:
Power Back-Up, Station Blocking and Emergency Shutdown Device (ESD)
The National Energy Board (Board) has identified that some regulated pipeline companies are not compliant with paragraph 12(a) of the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations (NEB OPR) and Clauses and of CSA Z662-11. These provisions require stations to have an alternative source of power capable of operating the emergency shutdown system and the ability to block gas or liquid as appropriate out of a station.
Companies must ensure that any current power systems they have in place, such as back-up batteries, are capable of operating the emergency shutdown system. They must also ensure the current piping design provides a means of blocking gas or liquid out of a station as per CSA Z662-11 Clauses and Stations must also be equipped with an appropriately situated ESD device such as a push button that can be utilized in the event of an emergency.
Preventive Actions
Pipeline companies are required to continually assess the hazards associated with their operations and upgrade their facilities to remain in full compliance with regulatory requirements. The implementation of effective management systems by companies ensures that pipeline systems are designed, constructed, operated and maintained in compliance with the requirements outlined in the NEB OPR and the referenced CSA Z662 standard.
The Board expects all companies to assess the pump and compressor stations on their pipeline systems and verify compliance with paragraph 12(a) of the NEB OPR and Clauses and of CSA Z662-11. If a company finds itself in non-compliance, corrective actions must be taken to mitigate this safety hazard as per paragraph 6.5(1)(u) of the NEB OPR. Timely correction of this non-compliance may be assessed through future targeted facility inspections or management system audits. The Board’s compliance verification activities allow it to identify potential issues with regulated companies and, if necessary, address them with appropriate measures.
Further Information
If you have any questions regarding this advisory please contact Integrity Management personnel at the Board through our toll free number at 1-800-899-1265.
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