ARCHIVED - Order TS-01-2012 to Westcoast Energy Ltd., carrying on business as Spectra Energy Transmission, pursuant to Section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act
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is employed by Westcoast Energy Ltd., carrying on business as Spectra Energy Transmission, or is a person conducting an excavation or construction on or near a facility located at Pine River Gas Plant (Hasler Flats, BC).
On 20 September 2012/17:20, the undersigned National Energy Board inspection officer conducted an inspection of Pine River Gas Plant. The inspection officer has noted the following: Disposal of hydrovac waste in an uncontained area. Westcoast could not confirm the absence or presence of contaminants within this material. Inspection Officers observed areas of suspected staining adjacent to hydrovac waste. This area flows into the sulphur storage area run-off collection pond which is discharged to the receiving environment upon water sampling.
These observations represent non-compliance with the Processing Plant Regulations Sections 14 and 33.
Based on the above mention, the inspection officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a hazard to the safety or security of the public, or employees of a company or a detriment to property or the environment is being or will be caused by the construction, operation, maintenance or abandonment of the pipeline.
Therefore, Westcoast Energy Ltd., carrying on business as Spectra Energy Transmission is HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act, to
Specified Measures: Westcoast will:
- Cease the use of the current hydrovac waste disposal site and provide an alternative location to be approved by the Inspection Officer - 20 September, 2012
- Cease all discharge from the sulphur storage area run-off collections ponds until it can be confirmed that this water is not impacted as a result of the hydrovac disposal activities - 4 October, 2012
- Develop and submit for Inspection Officer approval, a plan to confirm the absence or presence of contaminates in the soil piles, area adjacent to hydrovac disposal site and water in the sulphur pond - 26 September, 2012
- Submit these results - 4 October, 2012
- Provide for approval by the Inspection Officer, a hydrovac waste management procedure for the Pine River Gas Plant - 26 September, 2012

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