Pipeline Services Survey Results


The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) strives to promote an efficient pipeline transportation system, where the services that shippers receive from pipeline companies meet shippers’ needs. Towards this end, the CER examines various indicators of how well Canadian energy and transportation markets are working.

To facilitate continuous improvement in pipeline services, the CER conducts routine Pipeline Services Surveys (Surveys). The Survey is a means to obtain direct feedback from shippers on many CER-regulated pipelines on the quality of service provided by those pipelines and on toll and tariff processes.

The rating of the effectiveness and efficiency of the CER’s decisions, guidelines, and practices relating to toll and tariff matters feeds into the CER’s Departmental Results Framework, which is used to measure certain aspects of the CER’s performance each year. The CER also considers Survey results as an input when deciding which pipeline companies to audit as part of the CER’s financial regulatory audit program and in focusing the objectives and scope of an audit.

To administer the Survey, the CER asks pipeline companies to provide it with the names and contact information of those shippers active on their systems. The CER then sends each of those shippers the Survey.

This dashboard provides the aggregate results for all of the pipeline companies whose shippers were surveyed. Every Survey results reporting cycle, the CER sends each pipeline company its full pipeline-specific results, including the verbatim anonymous comments received from their shippers, and strongly encourages pipeline companies to share these results with their shippers. Questions that request only text-based responses, rather than rankings on a numerical scale, are included in the individual reports to specific pipeline companies but are not included in the aggregate Survey results dashboard.

2025 Survey

The CER has commenced the 2025 Survey. If you are an active shipper on the Canadian portion of a pipeline system owned by one of the companies involved in the 2025 Survey, a contact person within your organization should have received an email from Financial.regulation@cer-rec.gc.ca with a Survey link. Responses must be submitted via the Survey link no later than 31 March 2025.

Please download the 2025 Pipeline Services Survey [PDF 46 KB].

If you are having technical issues with downloading the PDF or have any questions about the 2025 Survey, please contact the CER.

Survey Highlights

This section contains the aggregate results for survey questions that are numerically ranked or rated and are asked each year that the Survey is administered (i.e. asked in both the short-form and long-form versions of the Survey).

Figure 1: How satisfied are you with the physical reliability of the pipeline company’s operations?

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for the question “How satisfied are you with the physical reliability of the company’s operations?”, rated on a scale of 1 to 5. The vertical bars for each year show the number of survey responses for each rating, and the black horizontal bar shows the overall average rating.

Figure 2: How satisfied are you with the overall quality of service provided by the pipeline company over the last calendar year?

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for the question “How satisfied are you with the overall quality of service provided by the pipeline company over the last calendar year?”, rated on a scale of 1 to 5. The vertical bars for each year show the number of survey responses for each rating, and the black horizontal bar shows the overall average rating.

Figure 3: Are the CER’s decisions, guidelines, and practices relating to toll and tariff matters effective and efficient? In this context, effective refers to achieving suitable tolls and tariffs and efficient refers to the overall effort, cost and time invested in arriving at the tolls and tariffs

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for the question “Are the CER’s decisions, guidelines and practices relating to toll and tariff matters effective and efficient?”, rated on a scale of 1 to 5. The vertical bars for each year show the number of survey responses for each rating, and the black horizontal bar shows the overall average rating.

Full Numeric Survey Results

This section contains the aggregate results for all survey questions that are numerically ranked or rated, including the questions which are only asked periodically in the long-form version of the Survey.

Figure 4: Average rating for all rated questions

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for survey questions where shippers provide rating between 1 and 5. Each year that a particular question was asked is represented in the graphic by a dot, with the average numeric rating for that year listed beside the dot. The lines between years demonstrate the change in rating between years where questions were asked.

Figure 5: On an overall basis, has the pipeline company’s quality of service in the last three years declined, remained the same, or improved?

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for the question “On an overall basis, has the pipeline company’s quality of service in the last three years declined, remained the same, or improved?”.

Figure 6: From the following list, please choose the three quality aspects of service that are most important to you

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the aggregate survey response results for the question “From the following list, please choose the three aspects of service that are most important to you.” The specific aspects of quality of service that can be selected from are listed across the top of the figure.

Figure 7: Survey response rate

Source: CER Pipeline Services Survey responses

Description: This graphic demonstrates the overall annual survey response rate at the aggregate level.


The CER is grateful for the feedback it receives through the Survey. The feedback on Commission processes is captured and considered as part of the CER’s continuous improvement process. The CER recognizes and appreciates the time shippers have invested in responding to the survey.

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