NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. - Integration Asset Transfer - GH-002-2014
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- Project Information
- Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
- National Energy Board - Fact Sheet
- List of Issues
- News Releases
- Regulatory Documents
- Contact Information
- Applicant's Website
Project Information
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) has filed an application with the Board requesting approval for the acquisition of certain assets currently owned by ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (ATCO Pipelines) to become part of the ongoing operations of the NGTL System. The Board is also being asked to approve the sale by NGTL of certain assets currently forming part of the NGTL System to ATCO Pipelines. There is no new construction involved in this application.
The exchange of assets includes:
- NGTL Transferred Assets, which are comprised of metering facilities (31 delivery and 89 receipt meter stations) and pipeline (1,418 km); and
- ATCO Transferred Assets, which are comprised of compressor stations (1), metering facilities (12 delivery and 21 receipt meter stations) and pipelines (1,303 km).
To accommodate the number of assets involved and the field work required to complete the transfer of ownership, NGTL and ATCO plan to execute the assets swap in four stages (tranches). NGTL is proposing that a separate certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) be issued for each Tranche and each CPCN be made effective as of the date of the closing of the respective stage.

Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
The NEB has assigned a Process Advisor for this project. The Process Advisor’s role is to support the public (e.g., landowners, concerned citizens, environmental non-governmental organizations) and the Aboriginal groups that are participating in public hearings.
Submit Letter of Comment
- Process Advisor - Support for Hearing Participants
- As a commenter, the easiest way to electronically file your letter is through your online NEB account, which you set up when applying to participate in this hearing process. That option will be available to you when you log into your account. If you are having difficulties doing this, you can also use the Board’s e-filing system.
The deadline for submitting letters of comment is noon MST, 5 June 2014.
For more information, please contact Courtney Bloor by calling 403-390-8470 or (toll free) 1-800-899-1265, or by sending an email at
National Energy Board - Fact Sheet
This fact sheet contains detailed information about the National Energy Board, its mandate and the services it provides.
National Energy Board - Fact Sheet
List of Issues
The Board has identified but does not limit itself to the following issues for consideration in the proceeding:
- The terms of the transfer, including the assets to be transferred.
- The potential commercial impacts of the proposed project.
- The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the proposed project, including any cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the project, including those required to be considered by the NEB’s Filing Manual.
- Potential impacts of the project on Aboriginal interests.
- Potential impacts of the project on landowners and land use.
- The creation and use of the Non-Monetary Adjustment Deferral account.
- The terms and conditions to be included in any approval the Board may issue.
News Releases
- 2014-10-16
NEB Approves NGTL’S Integrated Asset Transfer Project Application - 2014-04-22
NEB to hear NGTL’s Integration Asset Transfer Application - 2014-01-29
Funding available to participate in the NEB's regulatory process regarding the NGTL Integration Asset Transfer Project
Regulatory Documents
- 2014-10-16
Decision [Filing A63558] - 2014-07-08
Amended Hearing Order and Revised Hearing Schedule [Filing A61588] - 2014-04-22
Hearing Order GH-002-2014 [Filing A59712] - 2014-04-02
National Energy Board - List of Participants [Filing A59488] - 2014-02-07
National Energy Board - Notice of Public Hearing and Application to Participate [Filing A57769] - 2014-02-28
Application for Integration Asset Transfer GH-002-2014 [Folder 1060913] - 2013-11-12
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. - Integration Asset Transfer Application [Filing A55221]
Contact Information
Process Advisor
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Applicant's Website
- TransCanada PipeLines Limited - TransCanada and ATCO Pipelines Asset Exchange
- Date modified: