Submit Applications and Regulatory Documents
Learn how to submit applications and regulatory documents.

If you are a proponent (not an intervenor) that needs to file documents electronically, please choose from the options below.
Filings under the CER Act
North and offshore filings
- Filings under Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (COGOA)
- Filings under Oil and Gas Operations Act (OGOA)
- Guidance for Canada Petroleum Resources Act (CPRA) and Petroleum Resources Act (PRA) applications
See how these meetings lead to a better understanding of the CER’s application process and regulatory requirements.
Learn about what we expect from companies during the early engagement stage of projects that don’t trigger an Impact Assessment Act review.
See how filing manuals can help you understand what to include in an application to the CER.
Find out how to apply for confidentiality to limit public access to specific pieces of your information.
Notify us of events, including: incidents, unauthorized activities, operations and maintenance activities, and contaminated sites.
S. 214 Online Application system (OAS)
Visit this page if you are a company that’s filing a CER Act s.214 application.
e-file (Electronic Document Submission)
Read the Filer's guide to electronic submission [PDF 606 KB] before using this tool to submit documents.
Export and import online application system (OAS)
Visit this page if you are a company filing an export or import application.

If you are an Indigenous group or 3rd party (landowner, municipality, or other affected party), please choose from the options below.
Register and file documents for a specific hearing.
Get instructions on how to participate in a hearing and how to prepare a Letter of Comment.
Contact a process advisor toll-free at 1-800-899-1265 if you have questions or need guidance about participating in a hearing.
Learn how to file a statement of concern for a proposed energy project.
This service provides information and templates to help Canadians understand and navigate CER processes related to land matters.
Submit a complaint form if you’re unable to resolve an issue with a company about a facility or activity on lands you use or own.
Confidential Indigenous Knowledge
File confidential Indigenous Knowledge with the CER
Section 335 Applications – Process Guidance for Applicants
Learn how to file a section 335 application and/or seek alternative dispute resolution services if you plan to conduct an activity near a pipeline but cannot reach an agreement with the company.
Land use compensation dispute Hearing Application
Find out how to submit a compensation dispute application form related to land acquisition, restricted use of lands, or damages caused by project-related activities.

Online Tools
Register and file documents for a specific hearing.
S. 214 Online Application system (OAS)
Visit this page if you are a company that’s filing a CER Act S.214 application.
e-file (Electronic Document Submission)
Read the Filer's Guide to Electronic Submission [PDF 606 KB] before using this tool to submit documents.
Export and Import Online Application system (OAS)
Visit this page if you are a company that’s filing an export or import application.
Visit the CER’s online repository for all hearing document.
Notify us of events, including: incidents, unauthorized activities, operations and maintenance activities, and contaminated sites.

Filings Manuals
Learn about what we expect from companies during the early engagement stage of projects that don’t trigger a review under the Impact Assessment Act.
Guidance for companies on CER publications
This page lists the different CER publications that can be used for public engagement and also form part of our Filing Manual requirements.
Preliminary Traditional Territory Analysis (PTTA)
Companies can request a PTTA to help inform early engagement. Learn what information to include and when companies can expect completed PTTA requests from the CER.
Companies should refer to this manual for guidance on how to prepare a physical project application, applications not for physical projects or an information filing.
Section 214 Streamlining Order
This order provides the Commission’s approval for the construction and operation of certain oil and gas projects that fall under the CER Act.
The electric utility companies we regulate must seek approval to export electricity, construct new facilities, or modify or abandon existing ones. This manual provides guidance on the type of information we need to make a decision to issue a permit or certificate.
Hearing Notification Requirements and Federal Identity Program (FIP)
After receiving a hearing order from the CER, applicants must publish a notification of hearings. Find the Government of Canada's Federal Identity Program notification requirements on this page.