Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC – Coquihalla Crossing No. 10 Replacement Project

Project Background
Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) has filed a project application pursuant to Section 214 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CER Act) and Section 45.1 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) for an Order approving the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Coquihalla Crossing No. 10 Replacement Project (Project).
The Project will involve the replacement of a segment of the existing Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMPL) where it crosses the Coquihalla River (Coquihalla Crossing No. 10) by an approximate 65 m aerial span at KP 976.3 in the Coquihalla Canyon northeast of Hope, British Columbia. Coquihalla Crossing No. 10 has been identified as being susceptible to mechanical damage due to rockfall or avalanche hazards through Trans Mountain’s Integrity Management Program. Trans Mountain intends to remove this crossing and relocate the pipe underground and alongside an existing road to maintain the safe continued operation of the pipeline. In total, the Project involves the installation of about 950 m of 610 mm outside diameter (NPS 24) replacement pipeline and the decommissioning by removal of about 250 m of pipe and decommissioning in-place of about 550 m of pipe of associated existing TMPL. These works are independent of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.
The Coquihalla No. 10 Crossing is located on provincial Crown land in a remote, rural setting in the Fraser Valley Regional District. The Kettle Valley Railway Road and the Portia East Road provide access to the proposed Project’s site and is located southwest of the Coquihalla Summit Recreational Area (BC provincial park) with no nearby residences.
Timeline and Documents
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