Vaughan Mainline Expansion Project
TransCanada Pipeline Limited (TransCanada)
On this page you can find:
- Project Information (description, map)
- NEB Review of the Project (updates)
- Support for Participants (process advisors, application to participate, information sessions)
- Reference (regulatory documents)
- Contacts
Project Information
TransCanada’s application [Filing A73897] for the Vaughan Mainline Expansion Project (Project) proposes to construct, own and operate a new natural gas pipeline in the City of Vaughan, Ontario. The Project will be integrated into TransCanada’s existing mainline system and its recently NEB approved King’s North Connection Pipeline [Folder 2498195].
The Project will consist of approximately 11.7 km of 1067 mm (NPS 42) outside diameter (OD) pipeline. TransCanada has applied under Section 58 of the NEB Act for approval to construct and operate this Project.
Project map
This map provides an overview of the project.

Review of the project
Key Milestones
- 1 September 2016 - Reasons for Decision [Filing A79240]
- 4 August 2016: NEB Issues Letter Decision with Reasons to Follow [Filing A78823]
- 14 to 17 June 2016: Oral hearing [Filing A76896]
- 27 April 2016: Community Meeting [Filing A76383].
- 18 March 2016: List of Participants [Filing A75987] issued.
- 10 February - 2 March 2016: Application to Participate process.
- 10 February 2016: Hearing Order GH-001-2016 [Filing A75484] issued.
- 11 December 2015 - 2 March 2016: Apply for Participant Funding.
- 10 November 2015: TransCanada filed its application [Filing A73897].
- Further process updates will be announced when they are available.
Support for participants
Participant Funding Program
Refer to the Participant Funding Program page for information. Awards are announced in the Participant Funding Report.
Regulatory documents
During the National Energy Board's review of this Project, all evidence, letters of comment, NEB decisions and other relevant documents must be filed with the NEB and placed on the NEB’s online document repository. These documents are all accessible to the public. You can find these documents here: [Folder 2856848]
News Releases
NEB conditionally approves Vaughan Mainline Expansion Project
NEB Announces Public Hearing for Vaughan Mainline Expansion Project
NEB contact information
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
For questions about the Participant Funding Program, please contact:
Participant Funding Program
Telephone: 403-292-4800
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
For media inquiries, please contact:
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Company contacts
If you have questions about the Project, including whether or not the pipeline could cross your property, please contact TransCanada PipeLines Ltd at 1-844-933-0960 or, or visit their website.
- Date modified: