ARCHIVED - Order JJD-1-2012 to Montreal Pipe Line Limited pursuant to Section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act
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ORDER NO. JJD-1-2012
is employed by Montreal Pipe Line Limited, or is a person conducting an excavation or construction on or near a facility located at St. Césaire, QC.
On 13 June 2012 / 10:00am, the undersigned National Energy Board inspection officer conducted an inspection of St. Césaire pump station.
The inspection officer has noted the following:
During the inspection of the St. Césaire pump station site, sheen was observed on surface waters on and adjacent to the northwest perimeter of the facility boundary. Upon further investigation it appeared that the source of the contamination was the hydrovac slurry from the 24” line excavation, which was released onto the surface of the site grounds outside of any means of containment.
These observations represent non-compliance with the Onshore Pipeline Regulations Sections 30 and 48.
Based on the above mention, the inspection officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a hazard to the safety or security of the public, or employees of a company or a detriment to property or the environment is being or will be caused by the construction, operation, maintenance or abandonment of the pipeline.
Therefore, Montreal Pipe Line Limited is HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act, to
Specified Measures:
1. MPLL shall discontinue the practice of releasing hydrovac wastes prior to either;
- Testing these for contamination; and/or
- Disposing of these at a licensed facility.
2. MPLL shall amend and submit its maintenance practices and procedures to ensure that all types of wastes, including hydrovac slurry, incidental to their operation are appropriately managed. Once complete, MPLL will provide a response outlining the changes made to their practices and procedures, as well as how personnel will be trained to follow them.
3. MPLL shall clean up the contaminated hydrovac slurry released on the surface of the site and provide confirmation that this area has not become contaminated. If contamination has been identified, a notice of contamination will be filed with the NEB and appropriate measures to remediate the area shall be taken.

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