Order SLM-001-2017 to Westcoast Energy Inc., carrying on business as Spectra Energy Transmission (Westcoast) pursuant to section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act
is employed by Westcoast Energy Inc., carrying on business as Spectra Energy Transmission (Westcoast), and/or is a person conducting an excavation or construction on or near a facility located at Chetwynd, British Columbia.
On 22 & 23 August 2017, the undersigned National Energy Board Inspection Officer conducted an inspection of High Pine Expansion Project (Project): North Loop from Latitude 56.787800 Longitude -122.329285 to 56.723275 -122.265153 and South Loop from 55.882697 -122.122504 to 55.814522 -122.165859.
The Inspection Officer has reasonable grounds to believe: that a hazard to the safety of the public and employees, and that a detriment to the environment has been caused, and will be caused by the construction of the pipeline at watercourse crossings and wetlands identified in the Environmental Protection Plan and the Environmental Alignment sheets for the Project. There is total of 51 watercourses identified for the Project, there will be 39.2 km of 1067 mm (NPS 42) pipeline constructed. The potential non-compliances observed on the Project can be summarized as:
- The access bridges over watercourse crossings may not be safe for large equipment, pipe and people to cross;
- The “Riparian Management Areas” have not been adequately protected from rutting and general disturbance;
- Sediment and erosion control measures at watercourse crossings and wetlands is not adequate; and
- The sediment and erosion control measures on steep slopes on both the North and South Loop is not adequate. Further, the weather has transitioned from a long period of very dry, windy conditions to heavy rainfall, thereby increasing the risk of deleterious material entering wetlands and watercourses.
Based on the above mentioned, the inspection officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a hazard to the safety or security of the public, or employees of a company or a detriment to property or the environment is being or will be caused by the construction, operation, maintenance or abandonment of the pipeline, or excavation activity or construction of a facility as per 49(2)(a).
Therefore, is HEREBY ORDERED,
pursuant to subsections 51.1(1) and 51.1(2) of the National Energy Board Act, to
Specified Measures: Westcoast shall comply with the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations, including and not limited to sections 4(1)(2), 6, 6.1, 18, 19 and 21. Westcoast shall also comply with condition 1 of Order XG-W102-024-2016 (Authorization) that states “Westcoast shall comply with all of the conditions contained in this Order unless the Board otherwise directs”. Specifically Westcoast shall:
a) Comply with condition 2 of the Authorization and ensure that each access bridge of watercourses and wetlands on the Project is constructed safely for the transportation of equipment and pipe;
b) Comply with condition 3 of the Authorization by minimizing disturbance in riparian areas as described in the High Pine Expansion Project Environmental Protection Plan dated 2 August 2017 (EPP) and provide a plan for how this will be achieved with a schedule;
c) Comply with condition 3 of the Authorization by installing sediment and erosion control measures on steep slopes, watercourse crossings and wetlands for both the North and South Loop. These measures will minimize erosion during construction and ensure deleterious material does not enter watercourses;
d) Comply with condition 3 of the Authorization by submitting a detailed description, supported with photos, of all corrective actions taken at each watercourse and wetland.
f) Comply with condition 3 of the Authorization by providing a site specific sediment and erosion control plan to the Board for approval for each slope on the North and South Loops, and confirmation that they will be implemented during reclamation of the right-of-way; and
g) Comply with condition 3 of the Authorization by providing written confirmation that a site specific reclamation plan to restore conditions and function will be submitted to the Board for approval for each watercourse and wetland listed on Table 7-7 and Environmental Alignment Sheet of the EPP.
h) As required by the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR), Management System section 6.5(1) (d) Westcoast shall submit to the Board an inventory of the identified hazards and potential hazards for the Project;
i) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(e) provide the process for evaluating and managing the risks associated with the identified hazards, including the risks related to normal and abnormal operating conditions;
j) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(i) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for identifying and managing any change that could affect safety, security or the protection of the environment, including any new hazard or risk, any change in a design, specification, standard or procedure and any change in the company’s organizational structure or the legal requirements applicable to the company for the Project;
k) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(j) provide and explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for developing competency requirements and training programs that provide employees and other persons working with or on behalf of the company with the training that will enable them to perform their duties in a manner that is safe, ensures the security of the pipeline and protects the environment;
l) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(k) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for verifying that employees and other persons working with or on behalf of the company are trained and competent and for supervising them to ensure that they perform their duties in a manner that is safe, ensures the security of the pipeline and protects the environment;
m) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(m) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for the internal and external communication of information relating to safety, security and protection of the environment;
n) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(r) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for the internal reporting of hazards, potential hazards, incidents and near-misses and for taking corrective and preventive actions, including the steps to manage imminent hazards;
o) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(t) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for developing contingency plans for abnormal events that may occur during construction and emergency situations;
p) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(u) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for inspecting and monitoring the company’s activities to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the programs referred to in section 55 and for taking corrective and preventive actions if deficiencies are identified;
q) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(v) provide an explanation of how Westcoast has established and implemented a process for evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the company’s management system and for monitoring, measuring and documenting the company’s performance in meeting its obligations under section 6; and
r) As required by the OPR, s. 6.5(1)(w) provide documentation for the Project that confirms the quality assurance program is being implemented on the Project and specify what corrective and preventive actions have been taken for deficiencies that have been identified.
# | KP | Name | Riparian Management Area M |
Resources, Requirements and Hazards | Observed Non-Compliances |
WCS-1 | 0.7 | Tributary to Coalbed Creek |
0 |
WCS-2 | 1 | Tributary to Coalbed Creek |
20 |
WCS-3 | 1.8 | Tributary to Coalbed Creek |
30 |
WCS-4 | 3 | Tributary to Coalbed Creek |
0 |
WCS-5 | 3.5 | Tributary to Burnt Trail Creek |
20 |
WCS-6 | 4.4 | Tributary to Burnt Trail Creek |
20 |
WCS-7 | 4.5 | Tributary to Burnt Trail Creek |
20 |
WCS-8 | 5.3 | Tributary to Burnt Trail Creek |
30 |
WCS-9 | 6.1 | Burnt Trail Creek |
30 |
WCS-10 | 8.9 | Tributary to Moberly River |
40 |
Inspection Officer | ![]() __________________________________ Signature |
IO Designation #1680 | ||
Date 24 August 2017 | ||
210-517 10 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2R 0A8 |
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