Filing Manual – Guide H – Reactivation (OPR section 45)

Table of Contents

  1. Goal
  2. H.1 Filing Requirements – Engineering
  3. H.2 Filing Requirements – Environment and Socio-economic Assessment
  4. H.3 Filing Requirements – Economics
  5. Guidance
    1. Engineering
    2. Environmental and Socio-economic Effects

Section 45 of the OPR states:

  1. (1) If a company proposes to reactivate a pipeline or part of one that has been deactivated for 12 months or more, the company shall submit an application for the reactivation to the [CER].
  2. (2) The company shall include in the application the reasons, and the procedures that are to be used for the reactivation.


The application explains the need for the proposed reactivation, includes a description of the proposed activities, and identifies all potential impacts.

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H.1 Filing Requirements – Engineering

1. Describe the rationale for the reactivation and the measures to be employed for the reactivation.

2. Provide a schedule outlining when the reactivations are planned for completion.

3. Provide a complete description of the activities associated with the reactivations.

4. Describe the operating conditions under which the reactivated facility will operate.

5. Provide an engineering assessment in accordance with CSA Z662 demonstrating the integrity of the pipeline system and its suitability for the proposed service, and identifying the updates and revisions which will be incorporated into the Integrity Management Program.

6. Provide an estimate of the costs associated with the proposed reactivations.

7. Confirm reactivation activities will follow the requirements of the latest version of CSA Z662.

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H.2 Filing Requirements – Environment and Socio-economic Assessment

1. Describe how the effects have already been considered in an ESA by the Commission; or

2. If the environmental and socio-economic effects have not been addressed by a previous ESA, provide the filing requirements outlined in section A.2.

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H.3 Filing Requirements – Economics

1. Provide the necessary economic information as outlined in section A.3.



Any application for a reactivation must meet the minimum requirements as set out in CSA Z662.

Environmental and Socio-economic Effects

To address the environmental and socio-economic effects of a reactivation that have not been previously assessed, applicants are referred to section A.2. Applicants should carefully review the sections discussing the scoping of the ESA and the level of detail required. Appropriate scoping of the ESA ensures the ESA will focus on relevant issues and concerns, and assists in determining the appropriate level of effort to be used to prepare the ESA.

Next Steps...

File the completed application. Applicants are encouraged to include the completed relevant checklists from Appendix 1.

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