NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. – Albersun Pipeline Asset Purchase
What’s New
- 14 June 2017 – The transcript [Folder 3300107] and audio recording of the Oral Traditional Evidence are now available.
- 28 April 2017 – Procedural Update No. 2 includes a schedule of the remaining hearing steps. [Filing A83005]
- 21 November 2016 – The NEB has issued the Hearing Order. [Filing A80706]
- 16 November 2016 – The NEB has issued the List of Participants. [Filing A80660]
Project Information
On April 27, 2016, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) applied to the National Energy Board [Folder 2949582] (NEB or Board) for approvals to purchase and operate the Albersun Pipeline owned by Suncor Energy Logistics Corporation (Suncor). The Albersun Pipeline consists of approximately 179 km of pipeline, one meter station and associated facilities located in the Fort McMurray area in Alberta.
The facilities to be purchased include:
- Suncor Albersun Pipeline – 141 km of 273 mm (NPS 10) pipeline;
- Suncor Mildred Lake Lateral – 5.8 km of 219 mm (NPS 8) pipeline;
- Suncor Gregoire Lateral – 23.4 km of 168 mm and 8.7 km of 89 mm (NPS 3) pipeline;
- Mildred Lake East Sales Meter Station; and,
- Associated pipe and valve facilities.
While there are some limited physical activities proposed for this project there is no new pipeline construction.
Project Map
This map provides an overview of the Albersun Transfer Project.

Key Milestones
- June 14, 2017: The NEB hears Oral Traditional Evidence in Wabasca, AB. [Filing A84390]
- November 21, 2016: The NEB has issued the Hearing Order. [Filing A80706]
- November 16, 2016: NEB issues List of Participants. [Filing A80660]
- October 7 – October 31, 2016: Apply to Participate.
- April 27, 2016: NGTL submitted its application [Filing A76613]
List of Issues
The list of issues outlines what the NEB will consider in the review of this project. A list of issues keeps everyone focused on the issues that are relevant to the NEB’s assessment.
The NEB has identified the following issues for consideration in this hearing:
- The need for the proposed project.
- The valuation, tolls, and financing for the proposed project.
- The current condition of the pipeline facilities and request for leave to open the Albersun pipeline.
- The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the proposed project, including any cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the project, including those required to be considered by the NEB's Filing Manual.
- Potential impacts of the project on Aboriginal interests.
- Potential impacts of the project on landowners and land use.
- The terms and conditions to be included in any approval the Board may issue.
Apply to Participate
To be a participant in a NEB hearing process, you must be directly affected or have relevant information or expertise. You can apply to participate as an intervenor or by letter of comment.
The application to participate process was held from October 7 – 31, 2016. The process is now closed.
Participant Funding
Refer to the Participant Funding Program page for information on deadlines, eligibility, how to apply for funding, and how to submit claims.
For process-related inquiries, please contact:
Danielle Comte
Regulatory Officer
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 403-604-0289
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Rebecca Brown
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 403-299-3170
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
For media inquiries, please contact:
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
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