ARCHIVED - NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. - Komie North Extension Project - GH-001-2012
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- Project Information
- Hearing Dates and Locations
- Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
- Participant Funding
- News Releases
- Regulatory Documents
- Contact Information
- Applicant's Websites
Project Information
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, has filed a project description indicating its intent to construct and operate four new segments of pipeline and related facilities. If approved, these segments would add another 166 kilometres to what is commonly known as the Alberta System.
The new sections would be built alongside or contiguous to existing rights-of-way over a distance of approximately 115 kilometres while the remaining portion, about 51 kilometres in length, would require new rights-of-way. The projected in-service date would be April 2014.

Hearing Dates and Locations
The Board is conducting a public hearing process and the details are as follows:
- 10-12 October 2012 - Northern Rockies Regional Recreational Center, 5500 Simpson Trail, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, at 9:00 a.m. local time; and
- 15-25 October 2012 - Room 100A, BMO Centre (at Stampede Park), 20 Roundup Way SE, Calgary, Alberta, at 9:30 a.m. local time.
The purpose of the Board’s proceedings is to obtain the evidence and views of interested persons on the application.
Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
The NEB has assigned a Process Advisor for this project. The Process Advisor’s role is to support the public (e.g., landowners, concerned citizens, environmental non-governmental organizations) and Aboriginal groups who are participating in public hearings.
Process Advisor - Support for Hearing Participants
Participant Funding
- National Energy Board Participant Funding Program Funding Review Committee’s Report - Allocation of Funds for Participation in the Public Hearing for the Northwest Mainline Komie North Extension Project
News Releases
- 2012-01-24
NEB to Hear Northwest Mainline Komie North Extension Application - 2011-08-23
Funding awarded for participation in the regulatory process regarding the Komie North Extension Project - 2011-05-20
Funding is available to participate in the NEB's regulatory process for the Komie North Extension Project
Regulatory Documents
- 2012-03-26
Amended Hearing Order GH-001-2012 [Filing A40324] - 2012-03-20
Final List of Issues for Hearing GH-001-2012 [Filing A40183] - 2012-01-24
Hearing Order GH-001-2012 [Filing A38722] - 2011-05-20
Preliminary List of Issues under consideration [Filing A29353] - 2011-05-20
Preliminary Draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment to be completed under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act [Filing A29353] - 2011-04-08
Komie North Extension Project Description [Document A1Y5R3] - 2011-04-08
Regulatory documents related to this project [Folder 737909]
Contact Information
Michelle Haug
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 403-299-2707
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Paul Johnston
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 403-292-6495
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Applicant's Websites
- Date modified: