Previous CER consultations and engagement activities
This page focuses on consultation and engagement activities that fall outside of the NEB hearing processes.
If you are interested in participating in a project specific review, please visit the Applications and projects web page or the Register to participate web page.
2023 | 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

Comment on the Oil and Gas Operations Act (OGOA) Transparency Guidelines
Mar. 21, 2023 to May 12, 2023 – The Canada Energy Regulator is seeking your comments on OGOA Public Access to Information Guidelines and Interpretation Notes (Guidelines). The Guidelines have been posted for your review and comment.

Review of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR)
Apr. 15, 2022 to Jun. 30, 2022 – The Canada Energy Regulator has initiated a review of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR), which are the main regulations we use to oversee pipelines in Canada. A Discussion Paper has been posted for your review and comment.

Have your say on our new Interim Filing Guidance
Jul. 9, 2019 to Aug. 8, 2019 – As a result of upcoming changes related to Bill C-69, the NEB will become the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER). The Canadian Energy Regulator Act outlines new factors to be considered in pipeline and power line applications, and this interim guidance provides companies direction on what they should file when submitting an application to the CER. This draft Interim Filing Guidance is intended to address the changes in the Canadian Energy Regulator Act and outline an enhanced approach to early engagement.

Draft Pipeline Financial Requirements Guidelines Consultation
Feb. 15, 2019 to Mar. 8, 2019 – The Draft Pipeline Financial Requirements Guidelines (Draft Guidelines) provide further details on how each pipeline company should demonstrate that it meets the financial resource requirements established in the NEB Act and the Pipeline Financial Requirements Regulations (Regulations). The Regulations come into force on 11 July 2019.
The Board requested that companies and interested persons submit comments on the Draft Guidelines by 8 March 2019. The Final Pipeline Financial Requirements Guidelines (Final Guidelines) were sent out to companies on 29 March 2019. Companies will use the Final Guidelines for the submission of their Financial Resources Plan.

Remediation Process Guide – Draft
The NEB has released an updated Remediation Process Guide (Guide) and would like your feedback regarding the changes made.
The updates to this Guide include:
- The Guide is now applicable throughout all phases of the project lifecycle from pre-construction to abandonment
- clarity on expectations for risk management, criteria selection and engagement; and
- new reporting requirements using the Online Event Reporting System

30-Day Comment Period on Regulatory Proposal – Designated Company Cost Recovery
Feb. 7, 2018 to Feb. 14, 2018 – On 31 January 2018, the NEB received an email from an interested stakeholder requesting an extension of the deadline for comments on the Designated Company Cost Recovery Regulatory Proposal. This message provides notification that the comment period is extended from 7 February 2018 to 14 February 2018. To learn more about the Regulatory Proposal or to provide comment, please visit Designated Company Cost Recovery Regulations.
Jan. 8, 2018 to Feb. 7, 2018 – The NEB is now soliciting feedback on a Regulatory Proposal for a designated company cost recovery regulation. The purpose of the Regulatory Proposal is to seek feedback on the design of regulations for recovering amounts paid out by the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), when a company has been designated by the Governor in Council (GIC), following an unintended or uncontrolled release.
It proposes that costs should be recovered first from the company responsible for the pipeline from which the release occurred (the designated company), and then the companies who operate pipelines that transport the same commodity or a commodity of the same class. Tax payers should not be responsible for paying the charges back to the CRF in a designated company situation.

Consultation on Proposed Changes to Emergency Management Filing Requirements in the Board’s Filing Manual
Jan. 11, 2017 to Mar. 13, 2017 – Public consultation on the NEB's intent to increase the level of company emergency response detail at the application phase of a pipeline project.

National Energy Board Draft Event Reporting Guidelines
Jun. 16, 2017 to Jul. 28, 2017 – On January 1, 2015 the NEB Event Reporting Guidelines (the Guidelines) were enacted with the goal of clarifying reporting requirements across NEB regulations. Since January 2015, the NEB has compiled feedback from various sources both informally and formally including: from regulated companies via the NEB Online Event Reporting System (OERS), a formal letter from the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) that outlines feedback from its NEB-regulated member companies and internally driven feedback from NEB staff. The Draft Revised Event Reporting Guidelines (the Draft Revised Guidelines) dated June 2017 are the product of the feedback mentioned above. The NEB is referring the document for final consultation on the proposed changes.

National Energy Board Draft Filing Manual Change in Class Location Reporting Guidelines
Oct. 13, 2017 to Nov. 14, 2017 – The Board is updating Guide E of the Filing Manual to clarify its expectations for changes in class location for existing pipelines. The proposed amendments provide additional clarity for regulated companies on the information required by the Board when there is a need for a class location change. In addition, the Board believes these changes will allow for greater efficiency in its review of these types of applications and greater efficiency in eventual implementation by the company of any measures required to enhance public safety and environmental protection. The proposed changes to Guide E are based on learnings from prior reviews of filings relating to changes in class location. They address the need for companies to provide the Board with a timely and complete assessment of the increase in risk following a change in class location, and a plan with proposed measures to reduce the risk, with associated timelines.

Pipeline Services Survey
Jan. 25, 2016 to Mar. 11, 2016 – The Pipeline Services Survey is a means to obtain direct feedback from the shippers of NEB-regulated pipeline companies on the quality of service provided by those pipelines and on the Board’s processes with respect to tolls and tariffs.

Best Available Technologies: Engagement Survey
Jun. 15, 2016 to Jul. 19, 2016 – In February 2015, the NEB received a Ministerial request pursuant to Part II of the NEB Act to study and develop a report on the application of “best available technologies” (BAT) used in federally-regulated pipeline projects.

Damage Prevention Regulations Survey
Aug. 12, 2016 to Sep. 30, 2016 – The National Energy Board is developing engagement strategies and additional guidance materials that will help us reach relevant parties for outreach and education.

A Framework for Measuring Performance
Sep. 2, 2016 to Sep. 18, 2016 – We want to hear if we are giving you the information you need to track the NEB’s progress on delivering results for Canadians.

Changes to Natural Gas Export Licence Term under Part VI of the National Energy Board Act – Consultation on Proposed Regulatory Amendments
Jun. 29, 2015 to Jul. 28, 2015 – The Board is currently seeking input on proposed amendments to the National Energy Board Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations (Part VI Regulations) related to a new category of licences that would permit the export of natural gas for a term not exceeding 40 years.

Consultations on draft Guidelines Respecting Financial Requirements and draft Administrative Monetary Penalty Guidelines
Dec. 8, 2015 to Jan. 28, 2016 – These guidelines were developed as a result of the Energy Safety and Security Act, equivalent provincial legislation in Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia, and associated regulations.

National Engagement Initiative
Nov. 25, 2014 to Jun. 3, 2015 – In order for us to do the best job possible, we want to know what Canadians are thinking when it comes to pipeline safety and environmental protection.
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