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Canada’s Energy Future 2019: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040 (EF2019) is the first long-term energy outlook from the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Like many activities of the CER, it builds on the 60 year history of the National Energy Board, which began releasing long term projections in 1967.
The Energy Futures series explores how possible energy futures might unfold for Canadians over the long term. Energy Futures uses economic and energy models to make these projections. They are based on assumptions about future trends in technology, energy and climate policies, energy markets, human behaviour and the structure of the economy.
EF2019 provides an update to the baseline projection in the Energy Futures series, the Reference Case. The Reference Case is based on a current economic outlook, a moderate view of energy prices and technological improvements, and climate and energy policies announced and sufficiently detailed for modeling at the time of analysis.
The Assumptions section outlines the specific assumptions behind the Reference Case supply and demand projections, including future oil and natural gas prices. The Results section provides an overview of the projections for various parts of the Canadian energy system. Finally, the Access and Explore Energy Futures Data section provides links on how to access data and tools to further use and explore the datasets behind the Energy Futures analysis.