ARCHIVED - Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. - Audit Report OF-Surv-OpAud-E236 01 - Appendix IX - EBPC Documents Reviewed - General
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Appendix IX - EBPC Documents Reviewed
Document Name | Date |
Emera Brunswick Company Ltd. NEB Application, Brunswick Pipeline, p. 5, 17-19, 50-52 |
2008 |
Brunswick Pipeline response to NEB Information Request 1.1 |
20-Jul-06 |
Brunswick Pipeline response to Anadarko Information Request 1.4 |
28-Jul-06 |
Brunswick Pipeline response to Anadarko Information Request C04-ANA 2 |
15-Aug-06 |
Redacted Operating and Maintenance Agreement between Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. And St. Clair Pipelines (1996) Ltd. (Attachment Anadarko 1.4 (a)(2)) |
Reasons for Decision (GH-1-2006) p. 15-16 |
Draft Brunswick Pipeline Inc. Environmental Management Systems |
Brunswick Pipeline - Redacted 2010 Budget |
5-Feb-10 |
Weekly Operations Conference Call between EBPC and MNP |
Nov. 5, 2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Construction Progress Report - redacted |
15-Jun-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Operations Update - redacted |
15-Jun-10 |
Annual Plan - Major Activities and Timing to Board of Directors Q1-Q4 - redacted |
2010 |
Major Activities and Timing Q1 |
2010 |
Major Activities and Timing Q2 |
2010 |
Monthly conference call between Maritimes US and EMERA re. measurement (Agenda and Attendees) |
4/12/2010 |
Notes from meeting with Spectra and EBPC - O&M Meeting (Annual meeting) |
July 23, 2009 |
Environment and Safety Programs
Document Name | Date |
2007 EHS Management System Risk Assessment SET US Operations |
2007 |
2008 Validation of 2007 EHS Management System Risk Assessment SET US Operations |
2008 |
2009 Validation of 2007 EHS Management System Risk Assessment SET US Operations |
2009 |
2010 Beaver control file (a.k.a Dossier de Castor) |
2010 |
2010 Goals - US Operations (Includes US EHS Goals) |
2010 |
Attendance Record, Contractor Safety Procedures, Northeast, New Glasgow |
10-Mar-10 |
Attendance Record, Montie Safety CPR Refresher Training |
24-Jun-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Project Environmental Issues Report (O&M Phase) - WC - Tributary to Hazen Creek |
9-Jul-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Project Environmental Issues Report Form (Operation and Maintenance Phase) |
Brunswick Pipeline Project Environmental Issues Report (O&M Phase) - Beyea Brook |
9-Jul-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Project Environmental Requirements and Supporting Documentation Operation and Maintenance Phase |
12-May-09 |
Certificate of Attendance, Workplace Electrical Safety Workshop based on CSA Z462, |
8-Jun-10 |
Chainsaw bucking, felling awareness, clearing saw awareness |
6-Nov-09 |
Contractor Performance Summary Spectra Energy |
24-Mar-10 |
Contractor Safety Procedures Training |
Defensive Driving |
2-Dec-04 |
EHS Facility Risk Assessment Program, rev 1 |
Jan-10 |
EHS Management System Audit |
27-Jul-09 |
EHS Risk Registry Guide |
31-Aug-09 |
EHS Role Description Document, Area Manager |
18-Feb-09 |
EHS Role Description Document, Supervisor/District Manager |
18-Feb-09 |
EHS Role Description Document, Technician trainee, Technician |
18-Feb-09 |
Emera Overview |
Epass - Environmental Performance and Safety System |
Eureka Emergency Mock Exercise |
2009 |
Field Audit - Eliot Compressor Station |
16-Jun-09 |
Fire extinguisher training course, certificate of completion (staff in New Glasgow) |
16-Jul-09 |
H&S Management of Change Process/Form |
30-Jun-09 |
H2S Alive Training certificate, |
16-Apr-10 |
Health and Safety Facility Inspection Checklist, Stoney Point |
2010 |
Health and Safety SOP Table of Contents |
12-Apr-10 |
IWOL - Chatham Office Incident Report |
29-Jun-10 |
Levels of EHS Responsibility for SET |
1-Oct-2008 |
Lift Truck Operator Safety Training Program, |
8-Mar-10 |
Line Locator Re-certification, |
29-Jan-07 |
Management System Review Performance Standard 9.4, rev 2 |
Sep-06 |
Monthly SET US Audit Assurance Summary Report |
28-Feb-10 |
Monthly SET US Audit Findings Status Report |
28-Feb-10 |
Monthly SET US Audit Findings Status Report |
31-Mar-10 |
Monthly SET US Audit Assurance Summary Report |
31-Mar-10 |
Personal Safety Action Plan, three different employees |
2010 |
Pre-job Safety Meeting |
26-Mar-10 |
Project Safety Inspection Form |
24-Mar-2010 |
Project Services Agreement (Non-construction) |
21-Apr-10 |
Project Services Agreement (Non-construction) between Eastern Gas Pipeline Incorporated and Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Limited Partnership (File includes Pre-job Safety meeting Reports and Project Safety Inspection Reports |
11-Aug-09 |
Quarterly Employee Meeting, Slides Information |
12-May-10 |
Risk Registry for Union Church, MS - Environmental |
2-Dec-09 |
ROW Mowing Schedule |
2009 |
ROW Mowing Schedule |
2010 |
Safety and Communications Agenda and Minutes, NS Operations |
11-Mar-10 |
Safety and Communications Agenda and Minutes, NS Operations |
20 May 2010 |
Safety Meeting Minutes - Attendance Record |
April 10, 2010 |
Scaffolding Basics, Certificate, |
26-Feb-10 |
Scope of work & EHS Risk Communication (Form 7T-311) |
23-Mar-10 |
SET Canadian Northeast Operations EHS Management System Audit #09ECD-001 |
Sep-09 |
SET Maritimes Provinces EHS Training Assignments |
18-Mar-10 |
SET Operations Committee Charter |
Jan-07 |
SET Operations Control Table - in progress |
2009 |
SET West Legal Registry |
Apr-10 |
Spectra Energy EHS Committee 2010 Objectives |
2010 |
Spectra Energy Operations Committee 2010 Objectives |
2010 |
Spectra Energy Audit Coordination for US Operations, Integrating, Enhancing and Streamlining Current Processes |
10-Nov-09 |
Spectra Energy Charter |
Jan-10 |
Spectra Energy EHS Blended Scorecard |
May-10 |
Stop Work Order, pipeline installation, excavation |
28-Jan-08 |
Tabletops |
2008 |
Tabletops |
2007 |
TDG certificate, |
3-Apr-09 |
Training - Learning Management System Records - District Operation Technician (Nova Scotia) |
Training Session Attendance Sheet, Respirator Training |
20-May-10 |
Truck/Trailer Combination Safety Seminar, |
30-Apr-09 |
US Transmission Contractor Safety Procedures |
1-Mar-10 |
Vendor Report - Contractor Information Database |
Veriforce - Modifications to tasks 412-418 and 609 - Low impact changes |
23-Sep-09 |
Workplace Standard First-Aid CPR A, AED, |
14-Dec-07 |
E-mail from Emera Safety Manager identifying safety records needed from Spectra Energy to ensure due diligence |
20-Feb-10 |
Emera Inc's Environmental Audit of Brunswick Pipeline |
August 10-14, 2009 |
EBPC's Response to Emera Inc.'s Environmental Audit of Brunswick Pipeline |
28-Sep-09 |
Spectra Energy Monthly Safety Report to Brunswick Pipeline |
1-Apr-10 |
Integrity Management Program
Document Name | Date |
Anomaly Investigation 2008 12" Halifax PRS to Nova Scotia Power |
2008 |
Anomaly Investigation 2009 12" Halifax TAP to PRS |
2009 |
Anomaly Investigation 8" Point Tupper to Point Hawkesbury |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline - 2010 Annual Corrosion Review Meeting |
February 9-10, 2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Emera Notification Form - Planned Release |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Emera Notification Form - Unplanned Release |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Notification Plan - Planned Release |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Notification Plan - Unplanned Release |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Westcoast Notification Form - Planned Release |
Brunswick Pipeline Procedure: Communication: Westcoast Notification Form - Unplanned Release |
Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems Inc. Internal Corrosion Algorithm |
Eastern Canada - Pipeline Integrity Assessments |
Eastern Canada - Risk Data |
Form 7T-33AW for wheel count 132785.5 internal corrosion anomaly (from Binder: Anomaly Investigation 8" Point Tupper to Hawkesbury |
20-May-09 |
Gold_1 KP387 to Baileyville - Pipeline Listing |
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for Horizontal Bandlock™2 Closure |
2007 |
Pigging Training CD |
7-Jul-10 |
Section 11.10 Water Vapor Determination |
SET Annual Cathotic Protection Survey |
2009 |
SET Internal Corrosion Monitoring and Mitigation |
8-Jun-10 |
SET SOP - Measuring Station Shut-in, Gas Quality, Volume 3 |
1-Jan-07 |
SET SOP - Pigging and Pig Trap Operation, Volume 1 |
30-Apr-10 |
SET SOP - SOP Administration, Volume 2 |
9-Apr-10 |
Spectra Energy Gas Transmission Area Pipeline Managers and Supervisors |
Spectra Energy Material/Equipment Specification Line Pipe Internal Coating |
4-Dec-03 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response Program
Document Name | Date |
Brunswick Pipeline - EPR Program Annual Review Meeting Minutes/Findings |
30-Mar-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 1 - Introduction |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 2 - Risk Assessment |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 3 - Agency List |
2009 and 2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 4 - Agency Liaison Program |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 4 - Agency Liaison Program |
2009 and 2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 5 - Public Continuing Education Program |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 6 - Emergency Preparedness Manuals |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 7 - Training |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Compliance Documentation Section 8 - validation |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Safety and Emergency Planning for Zone Residents |
Brunswick Pipeline Saint John Field Exercise/Mock Emergency Binder |
25-May-09 |
EBPC First Responder Presentation |
M&NP and Brunswick Pipeline Accu-link Weekly on call cell phone testing |
2010 |
Crossings and Public Awareness Programs
Document Name | Date |
2009 Performance Review Report - Lands/Public Awareness Coordinator |
22-Feb-10 |
Accu-Link Call Centers Business Schedule |
Jun-08 |
Brunswick Pipeline As-Built Requests 2009 |
2009 |
Brunswick Pipeline Calibration Certificates |
Brunswick Pipeline City of Saint John Freeman - Bayside 4 Crossings File |
Apr-08 |
Brunswick Pipeline Contractor Safety Information |
Brunswick Pipeline Facilities Crossing Guidelines |
Oct-08 |
Brunswick Pipeline File on City of Saint John Gault Road Crossing |
2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline Letter of Commitments |
Aug-06 |
Brunswick Pipeline Line Locates All Clear |
January 2010-April 2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline Monthly Aerial Patrol Reports |
2010 |
Brunswick Pipeline O&M Specifications Manual Locating and Excavating |
Oct-08 |
Brunswick Pipeline O&M Specifications Manual Work On Live Lines, rev 1 |
May-10 |
Brunswick Pipeline Operation and Maintenance Specifications Manual: Pipeline Patrols and Surveys |
Oct-08 |
Brunswick Pipeline Public Awareness New Brunswick Operations |
2009-2010 |
Crossings File - Landowner |
10-Jan-00 |
EBPC Public Awareness Presentation |
Encroachment Management Forms |
Line Locate Flow Chart |
Schedule of Training and Training Records for Five Multi Discipline Techs in Fredericton, NB |
various |
SET Pre-job Safety Meeting - Crossing Construction |
18-Jun-08 |
SET SOP Volume 1 - Pipeline: Aerial Pipeline Patrol |
8-Jun-10 |
SET SOPs Volume 1 - Pipeline: RoW Encroachments |
8-Jun-10 |
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