ARCHIVED - Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. - Audit Report OF-Surv-OpAud-E236 01 - Appendix VIII - EBPC and Operator Representatives Interviewed
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Appendix VIII
EBPC and Operator Representatives Interviewed
Corporate Office (Waltham, MA)
, SET VP, NE Region Operations
, SET Director EHS
, SET Director Technical Ops
, SET Manager Environmental
, SET Manager, Health and Safety
, SET Manager Pipeline Integrity
, General Manager, Field Operations, NE
, Contracts Administrator
, SET Manager Measurement and Communication
- VP Audit Services (telephone interview)
- Manager EHS Audit
- Division Tech Specialist
- Senior Engineer
- Senior Tech Specialist
Saint John, NB
, Emera Brunswick Pipeline Director Regulatory Affairs
- Robert Belliveau, General Manager
, Measurement Technician
, Corrosion technician
, Pipeliner
Fredericton, NB
, Area Manager
, Admin Assistant NB Operations
, Lands and Public Awareness Coordinator
- Senior Engineer
Halifax, NS
, EHS Specialist
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