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The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada’s energy industry that oversees more than 75,000 kilometers of pipeline and transmission lines transporting approximately $100 billion worth of petroleum and electricity products to Canadians and the world. We regulate pipelines, energy development and trade in the public interest with safety as our primary concern. Specifically, we regulate interprovincial and international pipelines, which if laid end-to-end would wrap around the earth nearly two times. We also regulate international and designated power lines, imports of natural gas and exports of crude oil and natural gas liquids. Finally, we are charged with providing information and advice on Canadian and global energy issues.
Our work touches the lives of Canadians every day and affects what matters to them: their lands, water, environment, jobs, communities, safety, and wellbeing. The energy infrastructure we oversee also contributes to Canada's economic wellbeing and facilitates efficient energy markets. Of note, approximately $100 billion worth of petroleum products and electricity are transported by this infrastructure to Canadians and the world this past year alone.
The NEB is a lifecycle regulator. We oversee the safety and environmental protection of a pipeline project from the application assessment phase, through to construction, operation. In 2016, the Pipeline Safety Act came into effect. As a result we now oversee pipelines even after they are no longer in operation to make sure they remain safe.
We are a team of eight Board Members, 11 Temporary Members and 460 full-time staff. Our responsibility to Canadians is set out in various laws, regulations and government policies. Each member of the NEB team has a different role to play. In addition to their major role in reviewing project applications and making regulatory decisions, Board Members also provide strategic oversight for the NEB’s operations.
In addition to the information presented in this report, the National Energy Board will be reporting more information on its performance to Canadians in two upcoming publications: the Departmental Results Report and the Departmental Plan. You can also find out more about how we are always working to improve our outcomes and our transparency by checking out the links below.

Departmental Results Framework
To be a modern regulator, we must report on our performance transparently – both successes and challenges.
This year, the NEB became an early adopter of the Government of Canada’s updated Policy on Results, known as the Departmental Results Framework (DRF). The DRF outlines our four core responsibilities: Energy Adjudication, Safety and Environment Oversight, Energy Information, and Engagement. It sets a clear direction for the NEB and illustrates exactly what we do, what we aim to achieve, and how we will report our outcomes to Canadians.

Regulatory and Management Excellence
We strive for regulatory excellence based on a foundation of the following three attributes that are embedded in all that we do: Utmost Integrity, Empathic Engagement, and Stellar Competence. Regulatory Excellence is not a one-time exercise. We will continually assess ourselves through use of our Management System and Departmental Results Framework, to raise the bar even higher.
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