Cooperation with Other Agencies
The NEB co-operates with other agencies to reduce regulatory overlap and provide more efficient regulatory services.
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
The NEB has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the AER, formerly known as the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB), on Pipeline Incident Response. The agreement provides for mutual assistance and a faster and more effective response by both boards to pipeline incidents in Alberta.
The NEB and the AER maintained their commitment to using the common reserves database for oil and gas reserves in Alberta. Both boards are committed to developing more efficient methods for maintaining estimates of reserves and to exploring other opportunities for co-operation. Currently the Boards are working on a new assessment of gas resources in Alberta.
British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines (BCMEM)
The NEB and BCMEM maintained their commitment to using a common reserves database for oil and gas reserves in British Columbia. Both boards are committed to developing more efficient methods for maintaining estimates of reserves and to exploring other opportunities for co-operation.
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) and
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NSOPB)
The Chairs of the NEB, the C-NLOPB and the C-NSOPB, together with executives from the Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotia Departments of Energy and NRCan, form the Oil and Gas Administrators Advisory Council (OGAAC). The OGAAC membership discusses and decides on horizontal issues affecting their respective organizations to ensure convergence and collaboration on oil and gas exploration and production issues across Canada. The NEB, C-NLOPB and C-NSOPB staff also work together to review, update and amend regulations and guidelines affecting oil and gas activities on what are know as Accord Lands. These are offshore areas for which Accords have been signed with the Government of Canada regarding petroleum resources management and revenue sharing.
NEB staff also provides technical expertise to NRCan, C-NOLPB and C-NSOPB on technical matters of mutual interest, such as reservoir assessment, occupational safety and health, diving, drilling and production activities.
Canadian Association of Members of Public Utility Tribunal (CAMPUT)
CAMPUT is a non-profit organization of federal, provincial and territorial boards and commissions which are responsible for the regulation of the electric, water, gas and pipeline utilities in Canada. Members sit on the executive committee of the association, promoting the education and training of members and staff of public utility tribunals. The NEB also provides staff support to CAMPUT in the form of information provision and assistance in conference organization. During 2003, the NEB co-hosted the annual CAMPUT conference with the EUB. The conference, held in Banff, Alberta, was themed Markets in Transition - The Changing Face of Regulation.
Visit CAMPUT Web site.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
The NEB has an MOU with ESDC to administer the Canada Labour Code for NEB-regulated facilities and activities and to co-ordinate these safety responsibilities under the COGO Act and the NEB Act.
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB)
In late 2000, the NEB and the MVEIRB signed a joint MOU to establish a co-operative framework for environmental impact assessment in the Mackenzie Valley. In the case of transboundary pipeline projects, the NEB has responsibilities under both the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and the CEA Act. This MOU facilitates the co-operation of two boards to reduce duplication and increase effectiveness of the environmental review process.
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
Board Members regularly participate in meetings of the U.S. NARUC, particularly with respect to developments in U.S. gas markets that may affect cross-border trade in natural gas.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
In 1996, the NEB signed an MOU with NRCan to reduce duplication and increase co-operation between the agencies. This MOU covers items such as data collection, the enhancement of energy models and special studies. The MOU was renewed in January 2000.
Northern Pipeline Agency (NPA)
The NEB provides technical and administrative assistance to the NPA, which, under the Northern Pipeline Act, has primary responsibility for overseeing the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska.
Office of the Regulator of Oil and Gas Operations (OROGO)
The NEB has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OROGO to establish and promote a mechanism for collaboration, information sharing and cooperation to reduce regulatory overlap and provide more efficient regulatory services.
Pipeline Technical Regulatory Authorities of Canada Council (PTRACC)
The NEB chairs a staff committee of federal and provincial technical regulators. PTRACC meets regularly throughout the year to discuss pipeline safety and environmental initiatives.
Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB)
While the NEB has exclusive responsibility for regulating the safety of oil and gas pipelines under federal jurisdiction, it shares the responsibility for investigating pipeline incidents with the TSB. The roles and responsibilities of each body with regard to pipeline accident investigations are outlined in a MOU between the two boards.
Yukon Territory Department of Economic Development (YDED)
The NEB continues to work with Yukon officials to facilitate the transfer of oil and gas regulatory responsibilities in accordance with the Yukon Accord Implementation Agreement. The Board provides expert technical advice to the YDED.
Cooperation with Other Countries
The Board regularly meets with policy advisors and regulatory authorities from a wide range of countries who are seeking advice on good regulatory practices. In the past few years, the Board has met with representatives from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Columbia, France, India, Japan, Peru, Russia, the Ukraine and the United Kingdom. In addition, the Board has met with the International Energy Agency and has participated in World Bank seminars on good regulatory practices.
Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE) of Mexico and
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
In September 2003, a trilateral agreement was signed between the NEB, CRE and FERC in which the three agencies agreed to regularly share perspectives on regulatory approaches and to work on eliminating inconsistencies in regulation to the extent possible. The NEB, CRE and FERC have been meeting three times a year to pursue these objectives.
It was at the trilateral meeting, in May 2004, that the NEB and FERC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance interagency coordination. This agreement reinforces the existing cooperative relationship and further commits each agency to work together to the extent possible within our respective legal mandates to harmonize our regulatory approaches to cross-border projects.
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