Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines
Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines [PDF 424 KB]

Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines
September 2008
Copyright/Permission to Reproduce
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Environmental Monitoring Program Development
1.2 Environmental Monitoring Program Description
2.0 Applicable Regulations/Legislation
2.1 Meteorology
2.2 Oceanography
2.3 Ice Management
3.0 Program Description
3.1 Observations
3.2 Meteorology, Oceanography and Ice Observing
3.2.1 Parameters to be Observed
3.2.2 Oceanographic Parameters to be Observed
3.2.3 Ice Management Parameters to be Observed
3.3 Collection Specifications
3.4 Real-Time Meteorological, Oceanographic and Ice Reporting
3.4.1 Marine Weather Reporting
3.4.2 Aviation Reporting
3.4.3 Metadata Reporting
3.4.4 Oceanographic Data Reporting
3.4.5 Ice Reporting Procedures
3.5 Equipment Requirements
3.5.1 Selection and Installation of Monitoring Equipment
3.5.2 Instruments
3.5.3 Monitoring Equipment Specifications
3.5.4 Integrated Reporting Equipment
3.5.5 Equipment Approval Process
3.5.6 New Technologies
4.0 Forecasting
4.1 Site-Specific Marine Weather and Sea State Forecasting
4.2 Aviation Forecasting
4.3 Ice and Iceberg Forecasting
5.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
5.1 Weather Observing Program
5.2 Weather and Sea State Forecast Verification
5.3 Ice Forecast Verification
6.0 Training
6.1 Meteorologist
6.2 Weather Observer
6.2.1 Aviation Weather Observer
6.2.2 Marine Weather Observer
6.3 Ice Observer
6.4 Oceanographer
7.0 Reports and Data
7.1 Environmental Monitoring Program Description
7.2 Ice Management Plan
7.3 Physical Environment Report
7.3.1 Meteorological Data Report
7.3.2 Forecast Verification Report
7.3.3 Oceanographic Data Report
7.3.4 Ice Data Report
7.4 Equipment Inspection Reports
List of Tables
- Table i-1 Terms and Abbreviations
- Table 1-1 Monitoring Program Management
- Table 3-1 Aviation and Marine Observing and Reporting Parameters
- Table 3-2 Sea Ice Parameters
- Table 3-3 Iceberg Parameters
- Table 7-1 Minimum Meteorological and Oceanographic Sensor Measurements
List of Figures
- Figure 1-1 Suggested Approach to Monitoring Program Development
- Figure 3-1 Real-time Reporting
A.0 Forecast Verification
A.1 Overview
A.2 Recommended Parameters for Verification
A.3 Observations
A.4 Forecasts
A.5 Time Series Plots
A.6 Verification Statistics
A.6.1 Error
A.6.2 Bias
A.6.3 Mean Absolute Error
A.6.4 Root Mean Square Error
A.6.5 Skill Score
A.7 Threshold Analysis
A.7.1 Percent Correct
A.7.2 Probability of Detection
A.7.3 False Alarm Rate
A.4.4 Missed Event Rate
B.0 Ice Management Program
B.1 Overview
B.2 Ice Management Plan Elements
B.3 Joint Ice Management
B.4 Ice Reports
C.0 Monitoring Equipment Specifications
D.0 Monitoring Equipment Data Sheet
E.0 Meteorological Metadata Report Format
F.0 Marine Weather Reporting Notes
I.0 Current Meter Metadata Report
Abbreviations and Definitions
Table i -1 - Terms and Abbreviations
The terms and abbreviations listed in Table i-1 are used in this document.
Term/ Abbreviation | Description |
Aviation Weather Observer | Qualified individual tasked with aviation weather observing duties who
Aviation weather observer qualification is a responsibility of the Operator. |
Aviation Weather Observing | Aviation weather observing procedure |
Aviation Weather Reporting | Aviation weather reporting procedure |
CAPP | Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers |
CAR | Canadian Aviation Regulation |
CCG | Canadian Coast Guard |
CIS | Canadian Ice Service |
C-NLOPB | Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board |
CNSOPB | Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board |
CTD | Conductivity - Temperature - Depth. Profile data used to determine seawater properties, e.g. density, temperature, salinity. |
Drilling Regulations | Canada Oil and Gas Drilling Regulations Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Drilling Regulations Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Drilling Regulations |
GFA | A graphical aviation forecast in chart format covering Canadian Domestic Airspace issued by MSC for Nav Canada. |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Ice Forecasting Contractor | Contractor responsible for Installation sea ice and iceberg forecasting. |
Ice Management Contractor | Contractor responsible for Installation ice management and observing program. |
Ice Management Plan | A description prepared by the Operator that describes the offshore Ice Management Program. Submitted by the Operator to the Regulator. |
Ice Management Program | Ice management activities for an Installation. |
ICE | The Shipboard Ice Code. A formatted ice observation defined in MANMAR. A format for marine weather, sea state and ice reports. |
ICEBERG | The Iceberg Message. A formatted iceberg observation defined in MANICE. This code was developed by MSC and IIP and supplements the WMO ice code. |
Ice Observer | Qualified individual tasked with ice observing and management duties in accordance with the Ice Management Plan, who has received training in:
Ice observer qualification is a responsibility of the Operator. |
Ice Observing | Ice observing procedure |
Ice Reporting | Ice reporting procedure |
IIP | U.S. Coast Guard International Ice Patrol |
Industry | The offshore petroleum industry. |
Installation | The offshore exploration or production installation (e.g. semisubmersible, drillship, fixed production platform, FPSO vessel) or a group of these installations. |
Installation Regulations | Canada Oil and Gas Installation Regulations Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Installation Regulations Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installation Regulations |
MANAIR | Manual of Standards and Procedures for Aviation Weather Forecasts |
MANICE | Manual of Ice Observing. Also referred to in the context of an ice observing standard. |
MANMAR | Manual of Marine Observations. A Canadian guide to the general marine observations and reporting using WMO Code FM13. |
MANOBS | Manual of Surface Weather Observations. Also referred to in the context of an (land-based) aviation observing standard. |
Marine Weather Observer | Qualified individual who is tasked with marine weather and sea state observing duties and who:
Marine weather observer qualification is a responsibility of the Operator. |
Marine Weather and Sea State Observing | Marine weather and sea state observing procedure. |
Marine Weather and Sea State Reporting | Marine weather and sea state reporting procedure. |
MEDS | Marine Environmental Data Service |
Metadata | Metadata or "data about data" describe the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data. |
METAR | A character-based format for an hourly aviation weather observation. Also referred to as the aviation weather report. |
Meteorologist | A qualified individual responsible for weather forecasting. Meteorologist minimum qualifications are described in these PEGs. |
Meteorology Program | Meteorological monitoring activities for an Installation. |
Monitoring Program | Weather, sea state and ice measurement, observation and reporting programs for an Installation, including all management of these programs. |
Monitoring Program Management | Procedure for management of a Monitoring Program. |
MSC | Meteorological Service of Canada |
NAVCAN | NAV CANADA, the Canadian provider of civil air navigation services. |
NEB | National Energy Board |
NWS | National Weather Service (of the United States) |
Oceanographic Contractor | Contractor responsible for providing, installing and maintaining oceanographic equipment. |
Oceanographic Observing | Oceanographic observing procedure |
Oceanographic Program | Ocean monitoring activities for an Installation |
Oceanographic Reporting | Oceanographic reporting procedure |
Oceanographer | A qualified oceanographer is a graduate of a specified program in oceanographic studies at a recognized university. |
Operator | The Operator of the offshore installation. |
PEGs | Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines (this document). |
PMO | MSC Port Meteorological Officer. |
Policies & Procedures | Observing and Reporting policies and procedures developed for the Offshore. |
Program Description | An outline prepared by the Operator that describes the offshore monitoring program. Submitted by the Operator to the Regulator. |
Production and Conservation Regulations | Canada Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Regulations Newfoundland Offshore Area Petroleum Production and Conservation Regulations Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Production and Conservation Regulations |
Regulations | Legislation applicable to environmental programs for the Offshore Petroleum industry (listed in Section 1 of these PEGs). |
Regulator | C-NLOPB, CNSOPB, and/or NEB as appropriate |
SAWRS | Supplementary Aviation Weather Observations (an obsolete aviation observing standard formerly used in the Offshore) |
Synoptic Ship | A report based on WMO Code FM13 and also described in MANMAR. These reports were formerly referred to as MANMAR reports but the term MANMAR has become obsolete, except where references to the manual are noted. |
SPECI | A character-based format for a special aviation weather observation. |
TAF | An Aerodrome Forecast that is intended to be used wholly or partially for the arrival, departure, and movement or servicing of aircraft. |
TC | Transport Canada |
WAVEOB | A formatted spectral wave data report. |
Weather Forecasting Contractor | Contractor responsible for weather and sea state forecasting program on an Installation. |
Weather Observer Instructor | Qualified individual with considerable practical experience in aviation and marine observing, references to that competence plus experience and training in instructional techniques. |
Weather Observing Contractor | Contractor responsible for weather and sea state observing program on an Installation. |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WMO Code FM13 | International report format of surface weather observation from a sea station.[16] |
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