Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines
1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Environmental Monitoring Program Development
1.2 Environmental Monitoring Program Description
1.0 Introduction
These PEGs are intended to clarify requirements for the Operators of petroleum drilling or production installations (the Installation) concerning the observing, forecasting and reporting of physical environmental data which appear in the following federal, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador Regulations (the Regulations):
- Canada Oil and Gas Installation Regulations
- Canada Oil and Gas Drilling Regulations
- Canada Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Regulations
- Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Installation Regulations
- Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Drilling Regulations
- Newfoundland Offshore Area Petroleum Production and Conservation Regulations
- Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installation Regulations
- Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Drilling Regulations
- Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Production and Conservation Regulations
- Transport Canada Air Regulations and Aeronautics Act
The primary objective of the PEGs is to provide to the Operator, a set of clear and precise program and best practice procedures which, when followed, will fulfill the regulatory requirements pertaining to the Physical Environment. Information collected during the program is also necessary to establish a sound and reliable data base, which in turn will assist Operators in carrying out Environmental Effects Monitoring programs and in planning future operations in the area, and the Regulators in performing their duties relating to environmental assessment, review of design and operating criteria, and review and approval of applications and contingency plans.
These PEGs supersede the previous (1994) version. Previous versions of these PEGs have been modified as a result of field experience, the quantity and quality of data available for an area, and advances in technology. The Regulator continues to be interested in new developments in any of these areas, and invites suggestions for future improvements to the PEGs which may be suggested by these developments. The present edition was developed through a consultative process including representation from Industry, government departments, consultants, and the International Ice Patrol (IIP). The Regulator encourages ongoing consultation.
1.1 Environmental Monitoring Program Development
The suggested approach of development of a Monitoring Program by an Operator, for a specific Installation, is depicted in Figure 1-1. Development of an offshore Monitoring Program using the suggested approach should facilitate the Operator's fulfillment of all regulatory requirements.
Figure 1-1 - Suggested Approach to Monitoring Program Development

The Operator may elect to meet regulatory requirements and these PEGs using another program development approach.
1.2 Environmental Monitoring Program Description
A description (the Program Description) of the weather, oceanographic, and ice programs, where appropriate, should be submitted either to the National Energy Board (NEB), to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) in the Newfoundland Offshore Area, or to the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) in the Nova Scotia Offshore Area. For brevity, the generic term “Regulator” will be used in the remainder of this document. The Program Description should accompany the relevant application to the Regulator for authorization of drilling or production activities. Any changes to these programs, associated with a change in offshore Installation or location, should be noted in the drilling or production application and should be discussed with the Regulator as early as possible.
The Program Description should include, at least, the following information:
- An outline of the physical environment monitoring team, with roles and responsibilities identified;
- An outline of program management;
- An "high-level" summary of the meteorology, oceanography and ice monitoring program procedures (see Table 1-1);
- An outline of the meteorology, oceanography and ice forecasting programs;
- An outline of any forecast verification programs (see Appendix A);
- A description of quality assurance and data archival plans;
- The names, addresses, and description of the roles of any contractors involved in the program;
- A description of any unusual or non-standard features of the program, including, but not limited to, unattended or occasionally attended Installations and fully automated systems;
- A description of any substantive departures from these PEGs, with justification;
- A description of proposed equipment.
If operators wish to alter the spatial and temporal collection of data within their areas of operation, including multi-operator equipment/data sharing, the Program Description should include justification for the proposed changes. The Regulator will review such proposals on a case-by-case basis.
Table 1-1 - Monitoring Program Component Procedures
Meteorology |
Oceanography |
Ice Management |
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