CER Response to B.C. Flooding – November 25, 2021 Update
Safety is always the number one priority of the CER. Experts from across our organization are focused on the response to flooding in B.C. to ensure the safety and protection of the public, workers, Indigenous communities and environment with regard to CER-regulated infrastructure. The CER has inspection officers on the ground in flood-impacted areas of B.C., gathering information and overseeing company response.
There have been no injuries or releases on CER-regulated infrastructure. Companies have reported exposed pipeline infrastructure and continue with precautionary shutdowns in some cases to ensure pipeline safety; this includes the existing Trans Mountain Pipeline. Companies are currently putting substantial amounts of resources into responding to the impacts of the floods. The CER will continue to oversee this work.
In cases where pipelines have been shut down as a precaution, the CER is currently analyzing and providing feedback and direction on the companies’ return to service plans. The CER will not allow any CER-regulated pipeline to restart unless it is safe to do so.
Working with the TMX Indigenous Advisory Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion project and the existing pipeline is key to how we do our work, and an Indigenous monitor has joined our inspection officers in B.C.
- “Our commitment to Canadians and Indigenous peoples is that the CER will work to ensure the safety of people and protection of the environment,” said Gitane De Silva, Chief Executive Officer of the CER. “We have put all possible available resources on our response and are working with companies as expeditiously as possible to return pipelines to service safely.”

The CER has experts from across the organization working on flood response and oversight of CER regulated infrastructure. The professionals supporting our Emergency Operations Centre have expertise in emergency management, safety, pipeline integrity, occupational health and safety, environmental protection and engineering, among other areas. The CER’s Chief Economist and supply analysts are monitoring supply issues, supporting the organization, and providing advice to government partners when requested.
Along with government partners and regulated companies, the CER is continuing to monitor all aspects of the situation, including the potential impacts of current and forecasted weather conditions.
We will provide additional updates on this web page and daily updates on our social media channels (Twitter Facebook LinkedIn).
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