Canada Energy Regulator – 2020–21 Departmental Results Report – Supplementary information tables

Details on transfer payment programs


As required under subsection of the Policy on Transfer Payments, departments must complete a supplementary information table for each transfer payment program (TPP), including statutory TPPs.

Departments must also complete a TPP table for any up-front multi-year funding that is provided under a TPP with terms and conditions (see subsection 6.6.3 of the Directive on Transfer Payments).


Use the same template for each TPP, regardless of total actual spending in 2020–21.

Place the TPPs in alphabetical order in the following categories:

  • TPPs with total actual spending of $5 million or more
  • TPPs with total actual spending of less than $5 million

In addition to the instructions in the table template, the following applies to the “Financial information” section of the template.

Actual spending: for each of the three specified fiscal years, insert the actual amount spent, in dollars, for “Total grants,” “Total contributions” and “Total other types of transfer payments.” Up-front multi-year funding should be included in the “Total grants” or the “Total contributions” row as appropriate. Departments should insert a “0” in each cell that does not apply.

Planned spending: insert the planned amounts to be spent in the fiscal year, in dollars, for “Total grants,” “Total contributions” and “Total other types of transfer payments.” Up-front multi-year funding should be included in the “Total grants” or the “Total contributions” row as appropriate. Departments should insert a “0” in each cell that does not apply.

Total authorities available for use: insert the total amount authorized by Parliament (Main Estimates, Supplementary Estimates and Budget Implementation Acts) and by any other authority, in dollars, for “Total grants,” “Total contributions” and “Total other types of transfer payments.” Up-front multi-year funding should be included in the “Total grants” or the “Total contributions” row as appropriate. Departments should insert a “0” in each cell that does not apply.

Variance (2020–21 actual minus 2020–21 planned): provide the difference between actual spending in 2020–21 and planned spending in 2020–21, in dollars.

Template follows:

Details on transfer payment programs

Participant Funding Program

Participant Funding Program

Start date

24 June 2010

End date


Type of transfer payment

Contribution and grant

Type of appropriation

The program is appropriated annually through Estimates.

Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Link to departmental result(s)

Energy adjudication processes are accessible.

Link to the department’s Program Inventory

Core Responsibility: Energy Adjudication

Program: Participant Funding

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Public participation is an important element of an open and balanced regulatory process. It strengthens the quality and credibility of the process. The public is an important source of local and traditional knowledge about a project’s physical site and potential impacts. The objective of the Participant Funding Program (PFP) provides funding to facilitate the participation of the public –  and, in particular, the Indigenous peoples of Canada and Indigenous organizations – in public hearings, related early engagement, and crown consultation for non-designated projects assessed by the Canada Energy Regulator.

PFP contributions are non-repayable as they are intended to reimburse the costs of participating and are not made to for-profit businesses to generate profits or increase the value of the businesses. The activities funded by PFP result in public participation and information on the public hearing record which is a benefit accrue broadly to the Canadian public rather than to the recipient directly.

Results achieved

DRF Measure



Percentage of surveyed participant funding recipients who agree that participant funding enabled their participation in an adjudication process.



Percentage of service standards met



Percentage of recipients who are satisfied with the service provided by the CER in its administration of the Participant Funding Program.



Findings of audits completed in 2020–21

No audit was conducted.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2020–21

No evaluation was conducted.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2020–21

Recipients can provide feedback on the claim form. Responses are compiled quarterly and reported against DRF measure I4 and N6.

Financial information (dollars)

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment

2018–19 Actual

2019–20 Actual

2020–21 Planned

2020–21 Total
authorities available for use

2020–21 Actual
spending (authorities used)

Variance (2020–21 actual minus 2020–21 planned)

Total grants







Total contributions







Total other types of transfer payments







Total program







Explanation of variances

The PFP is demand driven and actual spending is a function of the number and timing of eligible public hearings, early engagement and crown consultation activities. These factors are not known when estimates are approved. Recipients of contributions may receive less than the funding amount awarded as PFP is reimbursement-based program. Recipients may spent less or claim for costs that are ineligible (e.g., not related to eligible activities). These factors are beyond the control of the program.

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