ARCHIVED – National Energy Board Cost Recovery Regulations for the Electricity Industry – Overview of Electricity Program
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Overview of Electricity Program
Hotel Queen Elizabeth, Montréal
2 June 2005
Electricity Program
- What do we do?
- Why do we do it?
- How?
- Context for cost recovery options
Electricity Mandate
- National Energy Board Act (NEB Act)
- Construction and operation of international power lines
- Electricity exports
- Advisory Function
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEA Act)
Electricity Mandate (cont’d)
- Canadian Security Act
- outcome of 9/11
- recent changes to NEB Act
Electricity Regulation - Some History
- Canadian Electricity Policy (1988)
- In response to industry restructuring
- NEB Act revised in 1990
- removed prescriptive tests to demonstrate that exports are surplus to domestic needs
- main criteria for applicant to demonstrate:
- effect on other provinces
- impact on the environment
- fair market access for Canadian consumers
- no export hearings since 1990
Electricity Regulation - Some History (cont’d)
- With some exceptions ... “the Board shall, on application to it and without holding a public hearing, issue a permit authorizing the exportation of electricity.” (s. 119.03)
- With some exceptions ... “ The Board shall, on application to it and without holding a public hearing, issue a permit authorizing the construction and operation of an international power line.” (s. 58.11)
Electricity Regulatory Duties
- International Power Lines
- Authorization - may involve a public hearing Project monitoring post approval
- Project monitoring post approval
- monitoring is more extensive in the event of “election”
- Electricity Exports
- Authorization - permits / licences
- Monthly returns
- Compliance with permits / licences
- Ongoing regulatory work
- Pre-application meetings; regulatory issues
Electricity Regulatory Duties (cont’d)
- Evolving responsibilities for IPLs
- Ongoing operations and safety
- Reliability
- including implementation of Canada-U.S. Blackout Task force recommendations
- federal/provincial/territorial reliability subcommittee
- Security
Processing Applications
- Electricity Exports
- 45 days after posting in Canada Gazette
- plus ... internal processing
- typically 60-75 days total, if no interventions
- 10-12 applications per year
- International Power Lines (IPLs)
- timing is nominally similar to exports
- however, typically take longer
- 4 applications over past 4 years (3 hearings)
Market Monitoring
- Restructuring of energy markets, and less prescriptive regulation has led to increased need for monitoring
- In deciding energy exports, the NEB needs to consider ... Are markets working?
- Electricity ... Do Canadians have fair market access?
- Similar criteria for natural gas and oil exports
Market Monitoring (cont’d)
- An important aspect of Goal 3: Canadians derive the benefits of economic efficiency
- Strategy: Promote understanding of energy markets
- Measure: Evidence that Canadian energy and transportation markets are working well.
- A near-term objective: inform policy makers
Market Monitoring (cont’d)
- Monitoring provides information to stakeholders, including the general public, and allows Canadians to benefit from economic efficiency
- Market monitoring ensures the Board has the necessary information to make effective decisions in the public interest
- Multi-commodity/convergence issues
- E.g., oil sands implications for natural gas and electric transmission
Energy Market Assessments
- The Board has undertaken 4 electricity market assessments since early 2001
- 2 more over the next nine months ... based in part on a website survey last fall
- Analyses include broad consultation with stakeholders
Cost Recovery
- Historically the electricity industry consisted primarily of vertically-integrated utilities (VIUs), usually Crown corporations
- Costs were (and still are) recovered on the basis of export volumes
Changes to Electricity Industry
- Restructuring
- FERC Order 888 (1996)
- VIUs have been “unbundled,” based on functions
- More players, such as marketers
- International trade has increased since 1996 (see chart)
- Exports have decreased; imports have increased
Canadian International Trade in Electricity (Exports + Imports)

- Cost recovery has been reallocated from VIUs to their exporting entities, and to new marketers
- The cost recovery base (exports) has been declining in recent years
- Imports have been increasing, but are not included in the cost recovery base
- IPLs are not included in the cost recovery base
Observations (cont’d)
- Some application costs are not recoverable or cannot be recovered from those who caused them (e.g., IPL facilities applications)
- Parties that derive “reliability benefits” from IPLs are not included in the cost recovery base ... should they be?
- Implication
- Change to cost allocation mechanism may be warranted ... options to be addressed this afternoon.
- Date modified: